The Romans theme day for primary schools
Students get the chance to meet a Roman soldier who tells the story of Roman life
Service Description
Students get the opportunity to meet a Roman soldier who has come from the 1st Century CE to tell the story of the Roman Empire, the way the Romans ran their lives, and also how they lived. The day starts with the storytelling session led by a Roman centurion. The students are introduced to many of the main elements of Roman life, and there is an interactive question and answer session. The students will be encouraged to handle some artefacts and use visual images to imagine how life would be under the rule of Rome. The students then spend a series of workshops in groups. These include looking at Roman games and leisure – where the students compare Roman ‘fun’ with modern relaxation. They also look at Roman food and drink, and how the Romans prepared food. They also spend a period of time training to be a legionary. They practice marching, fitness and how to construct the famous ‘testudo’ while working as a group. At the end, they will receive a certificate stating their suitability to be in the Roman Army. There is a session examining how Rome has been portrayed on screen. These sessions allow them to critically assess sources and whether they are accurate. Suitable for up to 120 students (groups of 30 for some sessions). All activities are resourced and planned by the 3 Rs prior to the day. They will be sent to school so teaching staff can examine and adapt if necessary.